울산대학교 | 데이터응용수학과



[22.10.07] 수학과 콜로퀴움
작성자 이** 작성일 2022-10-06 조회수 200

수학과 강연회


1. Speaker : 한국과학기술교육대학교 박정태 교수님



2. 강연일시 : 107일 금요일 4


3. 장소 : 8-412


4. 제목 : Regularity for nonlinear partial differential equations with measure data


5. 초록

In this talk, we first review nonlinear elliptic equations when the right-hand side is a finite measure. We discuss global gradient estimates of a solution for such measure data problems in bounded nonsmooth domains. We provide proper solutions and conditions which guarantee the regularity results. If time permits, we will consider parabolic problems with measure data.